Membership Signup

You need to be a current member and logged in to view certain site content such as Bookable Event details. If you are logged in but you are seeing this page, check if your membership has expired by contacting us.

    In the future, this screen will allow you to renew your membership for the coming year via Paypal.  The annual membership fee is $50.

    By signing up for another year of membership you confirm that:

    1. You agree to indemnify the club against any injury sustained while diving and / or participating in events organized by the club or by club members.

    2. You agree to abide by the rules of membership

    3. Your Membership form and signed Liability Waiver are on file.

    4. You are still a certified diver.

    5. Others - TBD by BoD.

    If you are ready to renew your membership, click the button:  


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